

Rail Europe - Rail travel planner Europe

Rail Europe and you

Welcome to Europe! Travelling by train is the best way to see the wonders of Europe, and with Rail Europe you can see 22 countries and 25,000 destinations on over 11,000 different routes.

You can escape for a week, a month, or more, experiencing new cultures at every stop. We have an amazing network using all the big train operators in Europe, and can help you with train tickets, deals and information for the Eurostar, the Italian Trenitalia, and the Spanish Renfe, the high-speed Thalys, the French TGV and more.


Where can I go?

All over Europe! With Rail Europe you can visit 22 countries and we can help you reach amazing capitals as well as country retreats and historical sights. Have a look at our routes and see what catches your eye. To help you on your way we have Rail Passes so you can move freely within a country and also from one country to another.

For example, our most flexible Rail Pass is the Eurail Global Pass. This will give you unlimited travel over three months to all of the countries on our network. So you could start in London and visit Buckingham Palace and then take the Eurostar to Paris.
Because you have the Eurail Global Pass you could then take a Thalys train to Amsterdam and from there take the train to Germany and explore Berlin and Munich and the beautiful Black Forest. And it doesn't stop there – you could travel by train to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Finland, and Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Austria and more!
We have train travel in Europe covered and we can give you the freedom to see whatever is on your wish list.

Tickets and Passes

Our Eurail Passes are perfect for anyone who has permanent residency outside Europe, The Russian Federation and Turkey.
Apart from the Eurail Global Pass, we have lots of other options for your European train travel. You may be visiting family and friends in one city, such as Malmo, and want to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. In this case it is probably best to buy a point to point ticket, but if you are making more journeys by train, a Rail Pass gives you flexibility and will save you money.

The Eurail Select Pass, gives you unlimited travel through three, four or five bordering countries, and you can use all the different national train operators without any hassle. This means you could travel from Croatia to Slovenia, to Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in one incredible trip!
But you can also focus on one or two countries, so we have the Eurail Italy Pass so you can travel all over Italy from Milan to Rome to Sorrento and Naples on Trenitalia or the Eurail France-Italy Pass so you can see both countries on one trip.

This year over 1.7 million travellers will make an amazing journey with Rail Europe and we can make it happen for you. Your journey begins here. Enjoy!

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